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Communication in the Era of Regeneration

What I have learned in an exploration with regenerative practitioners, entrepreneurs and economic shapers

Sidney Cano
5 min readMay 30, 2023


By Sidney Cano with The Regenerative Economy Collaborative

Communication is important in any field, including the world of regenerative practices. Whether you’re a practitioner, an entrepreneur, a business, an investor, or just an interested party in the field, communication is key. In this article, I want to explore with you how to approach this and what to focus on when thinking about communicating effectively within your regenerative practice.

As the “Turquoise Wave” — how I refer to the trend toward regeneration — gains momentum in various sectors (agriculture, business, economics, etc.), we’re receiving much more communication and information through various media, and some of us may even be writing or speaking about it. So, some questions arise for me (and perhaps for you) about communication as an activity and how it can be in integrity with the paradigm from which is been sourced. (Note that this isn’t about activities or concepts… Paradigm refers to complex and comprehensive social constructs that govern our beliefs, thinking, processes, and actions.) (Cf. Sanford, C. The Regenerative Life. Levels of Paradigm. pp. 04–07).

Here are some questions to ponder and evaluate our role as communicators and content creators:

  • What is the value that can be created through our communication?
  • What is the purpose to hold in mind and remain true to?
  • Therefore, what is the process we need to design and practice?

How do any of these look different when sourcing from a different level of paradigm?

These questions came to mind when I realized I needed to more effectively communicate the stories and results of our work with entrepreneurs, business and investment communities, and even economic development processes. But also because I’m receiving more and more articles, posts, and videos that use words (e.g., regeneration, regenerative, regenerating…) with mixed ideas, models, and theories; contributing — probably without the authors’ intent — to the new regen-washing.

First and foremost, when sourcing from the “Regenerate-Life paradigm”, we understand our humanity being called to take on roles and work for Living Systems actualization. Therefore, we see communication as an instrument and part of the work we do in contributing to the regenerative effects in the larger system we find ourselves in. Communication must be designed and used in a way that stays true to the Source, the evolutionary processes, ideas, and stories it generates.

In February and March of this year, I took a trip to visit some of our colleagues, some of whom are members of the Regenerative Entrepreneurs Community (Mexico) and with whom I explored in more detail what ‘communicating regeneratively’ means.

When we began this exploration, our first impulse may have been to observe and assess what was “already in place”: what people were working on and what had been produced as a result of that work; but through a “Live exploration process”, we became aware of more. We set ourselves to engage in authentic conversations, going back to the Source of place, we opened up very enriching insights into the processes of change that were needed both in the immediate environment, in the work teams, and in ourselves, by understanding what was possible to emerge as a new capacity of the system itself.

During his own process in TREC (Mexico), Philippe Hochuli experienced a change in perspective and work level:

(As he worked to reconcile opportunities with current restraints, he came to important realizations) “… I found myself ready to better understand the interconnectedness of the nested systems, even at the level of my own place and role, within the immediate context and the larger system we find ourselves in. But it wasn’t until I this exploratory process that I understood I needed to change my perspective: I no longer wanted to understand the system as a separate object, but realized that it takes a connection between beings. There is a need to engage from who this place is. The functional part of the work became secondary and my attention focused on developing a new state of being from which I could build a mindful relationship with this place.
I used questioning and reflection as tools to connect with others (people on the team, in the community, and in the place). I had to detach from expected answers and just be open to what came out for others as I explored and reflected on the questions.”

Exploring together Systemic effects — TREC Mexico / January — April 2023

Now we see more clearly how communication is a process embedded in the transformational processes of our work as regenerative practitioners, entrepreneurs, investors, businesses, etc.

By continuing this exploration, I’ve deepened my understanding of what one needs to bring forth within oneself in order to effectively communicate at the level of the Regenerate Life Paradigm. So far, I have come to these premises:

  • Communication is a process in which we engage in a developmental way
  • It is not about what I already know and can transmit
  • Self-managing capabilities are a necessary force in the process
  • It requires discernment and a constant evolution of our thinking and ideas
  • Developing the quality of mind able to tap into Systems uniqueness and potential
  • To illuminate the systemic effects resulting from the work of all those engaged in regenerative processes
Cano, Sidney (2020). In this image, we realize that transformational processes start from a stage of Sourcing (materials or ideas), go through several stages of transformation to produce goods, then integrate these activities into the life cycles of all Stakeholders. See more in my previous Article: Why should our next Economy should go beyond Circles?

In summary, effective communication is critical in the world of regenerative practices! Rather than telling or sharing in a one-dimensional or ego-centered way, engage in a process of: true understanding, engaging authentically with your customers / beneficiaries, developing the quality of mind to illuminate systemic effects.

How does this work benefit you in willing to (re)-design your communication process?

Want to explore more and learn how to develop the skills you need to communicate effectively while working regeneratively? Get in touch, we´ll be happy to engage with you, your work and its Systemic effects.


  • A Thank You Note to my friends & regenerative practitioners for a wonderful “developmental journey”. Thanks to Philippe Hochuli — Tierra Jiasú, Gaby Vargas — Huerto Tlatelolco, Delfín Montañana — Isla Urbana, Xavi Torrant — Los Volcanes, Silvia Herrera — Cinco elementos, Ana Gabriela Robles — Camino de la Mujeridad, Alma Ruiz — Sanación 40 Días
  • And the ones we are to visit next =)

Also thankful for the collaborative exploration of Karryn Olson, Trevanna Frost, Goolbox, and Ana Gabriela Robles; and The Regenerative Economy Collaborative for the support they provided in the writing of this article.


Sanford, Carol (2020). The Regenerative Life: Transform any organization, our society, and your destiny. Nicholas Brealey publishing.



Sidney Cano

Regenerative Investing -Towards a New Economy / CIO @DUIT Corp / Entrepeneurial Spirit / Innovation